The generosity of you, our alumni and friends, enables The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing to provide excellent outreach to our community and equally valuable opportunities to our students. Your commitment to and continued support of the School of Nursing has made a significant impact on nursing education, the future of our students, and the quality of health care.
Ways to Give
There are four ways you can make a gift to the UT Austin School of Nursing. When you are ready to make a gift, we will work with you personally to ensure that your gift reflects your preferences and areas of passion while it simultaneously benefits the nursing school. We welcome your input and encourage your participation. Types of gifts include:
Golden Lamp Society
Named for the iconic lamp that Florence Nightingale carried, the Golden Lamp Society recognizes individual annual contributors to the School of Nursing. Contributions made to the School of Nursing are essential to assure the School can meet current and emerging needs. Whether you make a gift to an established endowment, donate to one of our Wellness Centers, or contribute to the area of greatest need, your support will make a tremendous difference!
Dean’s Circle ($10,000 +)
Benefactor ($5,000 – 9,999)
Champion ($1,000 - 4,999)
Leader ($500- 999)
Partner ($250-499)
Advocate ($100 - $249)
Creating an endowment at The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing is a sound investment in the future of nursing education. An endowed gift provides permanent support for the School. Your gift is invested — never spent — and each year a distribution is made to support scholarships, faculty, and/or program areas. Investment earnings above the dividend rate are reinvested, helping the endowment’s value grow over time.
For more information please visit Giving to UT: Endowments or email Sergio Delgado.
You may take up to five years to fully fund an endowment and, once it is officially established, you or anyone else may continue to add to its principal at any time. Moreover, by selecting the title of your endowment, you have the opportunity to forever link your name, or that of a family member, friend, or organization, to scholarly excellence at the School of Nursing.
Levels of Support
The most common types of endowments are listed below, but endowments can cover other purposes that may fall outside of these general categories:
Student Scholarships and Fellowships: Student Scholarships and Fellowships enable the School of Nursing to attract and recognize the best undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of their financial circumstances. Your support allows students to concentrate on their coursework while also participating more fully in extracurricular programs that will enhance their personal development. The minimum gift level is $50,000 for an undergraduate scholarship and $100,000 for a graduate fellowship. The prestigious Endowed Presidential Scholarship, for undergraduates, carries a minimum gift level of $250,000, and the Endowed Presidential Fellowship, for graduate students, carries a minimum gift level of $250,000.
Program Endowments and Excellence Funds: Program Endowments and Excellence Funds support excellence in specific or general programs throughout Nursing. The minimum gift levels range from $25,000 to $50,000.
Chairs and Professorships: Chairs and Professorships are awarded to deans, department chairs, and outstanding faculty. These endowments are crucial to the School of Nursing’s efforts to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers, researchers, and administrators. Gift levels range from $500,000 (professorship) to $2 million (endowed chair).
Gift & Estate Planning
Like the leaders and generous supporters who have gone before, you can choose to develop a philanthropic plan to ensure a secure future for The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing and its students. Often, estate planning will enable an individual to make a gift larger than they ever imagined possible. Planned giving may include naming The School of Nursing as the beneficiary of a bequest in your will, creating a charitable gift annuity or charitable reminder trust, or designating the School as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, IRA or 401(k) plan.
For more information on Gift & Estate Planning please email Sergio Delgado. You may also visit Giving to UT: Gift and Estate Planning.
Matching Gifts
Your donation can make double — possibly even triple — the impact if your employer offers a matching gift program. Some employers will even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.
For more information please visit Matching Gifts.