
Undergraduate nursing programs prepare students to be registered nurses who are proficient in general care and pave the road for graduate study and research in nursing.

Nursing student

BSN Program

BSN program prepares graduates to work in a wide variety of clinical settings and provides the necessary foundation for masters and doctoral degrees in nursing.

Student infront of her research poster

ADN-BSN Program

ADN applicants should apply through the university’s external transfer admission process. Accepted ADN applicants will take course work with the other BSN students.

Nursing Students

Internal Transfer

An internal transfer student is a current UT Austin undergraduate in a non-nursing major who applies to transfer into the School of Nursing in order to pursue the BSN degree.


Honors Program

Honors program is designed to enhance the educational experience of high-achieving undergraduate nursing majors by focusing on the development of scholarship.

Global Health Program


Engaging Global Health in Costa Rica

The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing faculty lead this five-week program in Heredia, Costa Rica during the Summer II semester (mid-July to mid-August).