Peer Academic Coaching (PAC)


Peer Academic Coaching (PAC) is a free service that provides nursing students high-quality course support in a variety of nursing subjects to help achieve their academic goals. PAC provides individual and/or group tutoring for some of the prerequisite science courses, including Microbiology, Anatomy, and Physiology, as well as for J1 and J2 level courses and for certain upper division courses. Each course is led by current nursing students, who have demonstrated excellence in the courses they are assigned to coach. Our goal is to provide free, confidential, and convenient support for all UT Austin School of Nursing Students. 

Contact Information

Amanda Martinez
Student Academic Nursing Support | 512-232-4775 | NUR 2.121

Student Academic Support

If you are an undergraduate nursing student wishing to request academic support, please sign up for a peer coaching group using the Accudemia scheduler.

Accudemia Sign Up

Peer coaching groups are offered in following subjects, on a first-come, first-served basis:

  • N 325 Adult Health Nursing 1
  • N 255C Adult Health Nursing 2A
  • N 255D Adult Health Nursing 2B
  • N 224 Health Assessment Skills
  • N 244 Perinatal Nursing Care
  • PHM 338 Introduction to Pharmacology
  • MBS 326M Introduction to Medical Microbiology/Immunology
  • INB 446L Human Microscopic/Gross Anatomy
  • INB 365S Human Systems Physiology
  • N 266 Nursing Care of Children and Family

Download the PAC Frequently Asked Questions (PDF).

PAC – Paid Position

Overview of PAC Program

Join the PAC team and gain valuable work experience while earning income to support yourself. We understand that you are a student first, so our positions are designed with flexibility in mind, offering adaptable work hours to fit your academic schedule.

  • Most of our student jobs for the entire academic year open in March/April.
  • Jobs for the spring semester open in October/November.
  • All of our positions are work-study eligible.
  • If hired, you must complete the federal Employment Eligibility Verification form, I-9, before your start date.

If you would like to become a PAC coach, please find more information at PAC Recruitment Policy and Instructions (PDF).

Requirements for PAC Applicants
  • Currently enrolled at UT with at least one semester completed as a UT student.
  • A Nursing major for nursing courses; other majors accepted for prerequisite Science courses.
  • Have a cumulative UT GPA of 3.25 or higher and completed the course with an A to be eligible to tutor that course.
  • Have strong content knowledge of the course, effective listening, and communication skills.
  • Have respect for differences in cultures, academic backgrounds, and learning styles.
  • Be available to participate in required training sessions and meetings throughout the semester.
  • Be willing to occasionally serve on committees or help with special projects and administrative tasks.
  • Provide one reference from a person (preferably a faculty member, instructor, or teaching assistant) who can comment on your academic and interpersonal skills with regard to this position. A Reference Form is provided for this purpose.
PAC Application Process
  • Students interested in the Peer Academic Coaching position must fill out the Peer Academic Coaching Application Form.
  • Once the application is submitted, one of the Peer Academic Coaching reference forms should be completed online by the person you selected as a reference. For a skills position, you must fill out the Skills Reference Form and for an academic position, you must fill out an Academic Reference Form. You are not eligible for hire until the reference form is received.
  • Hiring decision is based on applicant qualifications and program needs. Once your completed Academic Coaching Application is received, you will be contacted for an interview if openings are available in your preferred courses.
PAC Organizational Chart - Spring 2025