Dr. Timmerman, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor at The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing, has been involved in research focused on health promotion with a specific focus on eating patterns and weight. Dr. Timmerman seeks to develop individualized interventions to achieve long-term weight loss and prevention of weight gain. Her current research interest focuses on Self-Management of Dietary Intake Using Mindful Eating for Persons with Chronic Kidney Disease. She is also actively engaged in interprofessional education at the university level.
Her past research on Mindful Restaurant Eating received widespread media attention with data supporting that the intervention was successful in helping perimenopausal women be able to lose weight even when eating out frequently (funded by the North and Central Texas Clinical and Translational Science Initiative, NIH).
She has recently completed a study adapting her Mindful Restaurant Eating intervention to a Self-Management of Dietary Intake Using Mindful Eating (SM-DIME) intervention to improve the dietary adherence in persons with early stage Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) (funded by the Center for Transdisciplinary Collaborative Research in Self-management. NIH, NINR, P30 NR01533511). Pilot study findings supported that the intervention led to improvements in weight loss and fruit and vegetable intake.
Dr. Timmerman has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in health promotion and regularly guest lectures on topics of binge eating, weight management, behavior change, and interprofessional collaborative practice competencies.
As a core member of the Steering Committee for UT Health Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research, she has been part of a team leading interprofessional education for health professionals on campus. Additionally, she has completed a HRSA program grant, “Enhancing the Advanced Nursing Education of Clinical Nurse Specialists though Integration of Care for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions Using Interprofessional Education” (1 D09HP25930-01-00, $1,042,659).
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