Leading with Respect in Psychiatric Nursing

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May 7, 2024

Meet Morgan Ballantine, MSN, Clinical Instructor at UT Austin School of Nursing.

Morgan is a psychiatric nurse practitioner with 10 years of experience in psychiatric nursing. She enjoys contributing to the nursing profession through teaching undergraduate nursing students and is a Longhorn Nurse graduate (BNS) herself.

She started teaching with the goal of helping train more nurses how to work with and respect patients struggling with mental illness. 

From her nomination: “She opened my eyes to a completely new area of nursing that I never thought would interest me as much as it did. She is so personable, honest, and is truly invested in the loves of her students and patients. She has been a mentor in not just academics, but also my personal growth as a better person and better nurse.”

We honor Morgan Ballantine during National Nurses Week for giving future nurses the skills to provide exceptional care.