Creating Healthy Communities in East Austin

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September 15, 2022

African American Mental Health and Wellness (AMEN) team is collaborating with KAZI FM 88.7 in producing a radio series to highlight the importance of addressing mental health and physical wellness in the African American community. The monthly series will feature AMEN team members from the School of Nursing, leaders from Mt. Zion Baptist and Rehoboth Baptist churches, and community organizations who provide mental health resources and support in Travis County. 

Creating Healthy Communities in East Austin

September 14, 2022 Podcast:

Audio file

Co-moderators Shannon W. Jones and Jacki Hecht share several new initiatives to improve health in East Austin. Jacki Hecht recognizes how the pandemic has impacted people of all ages in many ways. Jacki describes the mission of The AMEN program that strives to help individuals focus on wellness and ways to thrive during difficult times. Additionally, Ms. Hecht reminds listeners that the Black Men’s Health Clinic is open and available for primary care and mental health services at no cost, regardless of health insurance. The clinic has partnered with CommUnityCare to offer primary care services on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-8 p.m. The Black Men’s Health Clinic is located at 6633 E Highway 290 Suite 100 Austin, TX 78723.

Shannon Jones shares that over the past several years, data has identified several health disparities throughout the East Austin community. Recently, the Central Health Board of Managers voted to approve the budget for Central Health to support several new clinics under construction that will support the growing East Austin community. This is an important advancement, as East Austin currently suffers from a lack of health and social services needed for basic healthy living. With this budget, Central Health can offer new and comprehensive services in East Austin to improve health disparities.

There have also been recent changes to the COVID-19 vaccine booster as the virus has continued to mutate. The Bivalent booster shot is the most recent COVID-19 vaccine that is designed to protect against the original and new variations of the virus. If you are interested in receiving the Bivalent COVID-19 booster, please visit your local pharmacy. Additionally, it is recommended to get a flu vaccine if you are eligible to receive one before the flu becomes more active.

For more information, please visit the Central Health Plans New Multispecialty Clinic in East Austin for Travis County Residents with Low Income and Southeast Health and Wellness Center.

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