AE Programs

Degree Offered

The Alternate Entry programs are designed for people holding baccalaureate or graduate degrees in disciplines other than nursing and who are interested in pursuing a Registered Nurse (RN) License and a Master of Science in Nursing (AE-MSN), Doctor of Nursing Practice (AE-DNP), or a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (AE-PhD). Each program consists of prescribed graduate level RN foundation courses and the specific coursework for the degree.

Alternate Entry Master of Science in Nursing

Alternate Entry Master of Science in Nursing (AE-MSN) Leadership in Diverse Settings (LeaDs)

The AE-MSN LeaDs program is a master's level curriculum created to address the need for nurses to take on leadership roles in various healthcare environments.

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Alternate Entry Doctor of Nursing Practice (AE-DNP)

The AE-DNP, a terminal degree, prepares student for the highest level of advanced nursing practice blending theoretical knowledge with clinical application.

Alternate Entry Doctor of Philosophy

Alternate Entry Doctor of Philosophy (AE-PhD)

The AE-PhD prepares students to become researchers and to assume advanced leadership roles in nursing and can teach and conduct research at institutions of higher education.