The School of Nursing Simulation and Skills Center (SSC) is a state-of-the-art nursing educational facility that incorporates simulated, realistic learning experiences into the instruction of nursing students. Located on the fourth floor of the Nursing building, SSC provides an environment for students to practice and demonstrate nursing skills. Students learn psychomotor, physical assessment, and critical thinking skills necessary for clinical performance. Students have hands-on practice with the equipment and techniques they will need for the practice setting.
Contact Information
Office Location: NUR 4.121 (SSC staff offices are located in the west (back) hallway on the 4th floor)
Office Hours: Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 512-471-9062 or 512-475-9569
Simulation & Skills Center Labs
Simulation Lab
Location: 4.106A-F, with debriefing rooms 4.104 A & B
The Simulation Lab is used for the practice of clinical performance in a realistic clinical setting. Nursing education at the School of Nursing includes the use of standardized patients, human patient simulators, task trainers, and realistic simulated clinical settings to enhance student learning. Simulations assist students achieve high standards of care in a safe and supportive environment. This learning environment allows students the opportunity to gain experience with common and uncommon events that are not always available in the clinical setting. It allows students to put classroom learning into the context of a clinical situation.
Skills Lab
Location: 4.108, 4.118 and 4.120
The Skills Lab is used for nursing skills development in a setting similar to an open hospital patient ward. Our three, six-bed rooms, are equipped with hospital beds, medication dispensing machines, over-bed tables, IV poles, simulated oxygen and suction, bed side charting stations and other hospital related equipment and supplies. Learning and practicing skills in the skills lab prior to going into the hospital allow students to develop the skills necessary to perform nursing procedures for patients in the clinical setting.
Assessment Lab
Location: 4.102
The Assessment Lab provides a classroom with nine exam tables and is primarily used for advanced assessment procedures, orientations, and simulations.
Open Lab
Open lab hours may be used to practice assessment or clinical skills. This time may also be used to make up missed lab classes.
NOTE: The Simulation & Skills Center is considered clinical space and students are required to follow the official School of Nursing uniform policy, as stated in course syllabi and the student handbook.
View open lab policy (EID)
Open Lab Hours – Appointments Required
Location: Rooms 4.108, 4.118, 4.120 (check the signs that will be posted beside the doors)
Contact the SSC Staff for Instructor prescription appointments at (512) 471-9062 or email at for any questions.
*(All open lab hours are subject to change due to the availability of personnel and space)*
NOTE: If a student has received a skills lab referral from their instructor to make up a missed lab or work with a teaching assistant on specific skills, the student must request an appointment with the SSC office at least one day before the desired open lab. Appointment requests and confirmations are to be done through Accudemia. This is to ensure that the needed materials and staff are available at that time. During busy times, such as around performance test dates, students may be limited to one 30 to 45 minutes appointment per day, so students who need to make up several hours should plan on multiple visits over the course of several days to complete their prescribed lab practice.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I check out equipment and supplies from the lab?
Some equipment and supplies can be checked out for class-related assignments and projects. Please email Deanna Baker, with a detailed list of items needed, in the LEAP Center for availability and arrangement of supply check-out. Please refer to LEAP Center Supply Check-out Form for additional information.
I forgot my lab coat for skills class. Can I check one out for class today?
Neither the LEAP Center nor the Simulation & Skills Center (SSC) can check out lab coats to students, due to infection control policies. Please remember to always bring your required lab coat and other supplies as assigned or borrow one from a fellow classmate.
I missed a lab, now what?
Contact your lab instructor. They will arrange to meet with you to go over any new material you missed. Once that is completed, the instructor may instruct you to go to open lab for more practice or may make a referral for you to meet with a TA for addition guided practice.
When is open lab?
Open lab schedules are on the website, outside the doors of the lab rooms, and in the elevators at the School of Nursing.