Henneghan Lab: Cognitive Health Initiative for Cancer Survivors


Henneghan Lab

Cognitive Health Initiative for Cancer Survivors

At the Cognitive Health Initiative for Cancer Survivors, we seek to assess, identify, and improve cognitive outcomes for all cancer survivors. Cognitive changes can occur during and after receiving cancer treatment and can manifest as difficulties with paying attention, multi-tasking, prioritizing, word finding, memory, and processing speed. These changes often co-occur with unwanted psychological changes or increases in fatigue. Cognitive and psychological changes have devastating effects on the daily lives of cancer survivors. Our research focuses on:

  • Assessing the widespread impact cognitive changes have on cancer survivors in their everyday life.
  • Determining which cognitive measures are most predictive of quality of life as well as social and occupational functioning.
  • Developing integrative health interventions to improve biological and cognitive outcomes in cancer survivors.

The information gained from our studies will provide important knowledge to help scientists and clinicians decide how best to assess people’s abilities to think, concentrate, and function following cancer and cancer treatments. Our studies will also provide critical evidence for using non-invasive, low cost, and accessible interventions to improve cancer survivors’ unwanted cognitive symptoms.


CO-ABC Study

Assessing Cognitive Outcomes in Everyday Life After Breast Cancer (CO-ABC) Study


MBC Study

Assessing Cognitive Outcomes in People Living With Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) Study


Melanoma Study

Cognitive and Psychological Function of Newly Diagnosed Patients with Melanoma Study