Mary Lou Sole, PhD, RN, CCNS, FAAN, FCCM
Recipient of Distinguished Alumni Award
Dr. Mary Lou Sole graduated from Ohio University in 1977 with her BSN, and received her MSN from The Ohio State University in 1979, and her PhD in Adult Health in 1987 from The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing. She has had experience as a staff nurse, clinical nurse specialist, research scientist, and educator and currently works as a professor at The University of Central Florida College of Nursing in Orlando. Dr. Sole has written five editions of a critical care textbook and related instructor/student resources, and 17 chapters in textbooks. She was inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing in 1997
Distinguished Alumni
Laurie Kennedy-Malone, 2024
Susan M. Distefano, 2019
Kathy A. Baker, 2018
Barbra Mann Wall, 2017
Gwen D. Sherwood, 2016
Randolph Rasch, 2015
Ruth Anderson, 2013
Mary Lou Bond, 2013
Guardia Banister, 2010
Jean McSweeney, 2010
Kathy Richards, 2010
Mary Lou Sole, 2010
Hsiu-Hung Wang, 2010
Mary T. Champagne, 2010
J Taylor Harden, 2010
Keela Herr, 2010
Donna Howard, 2010
Susan M. Cooley, 2010